A teacher friend put out a challenge for English language teachers to provide two photos that English learners could use to compare and contrast. Another teacher friend (a member of MyEC) suggested I challenge the MyEC members to take up this challenge. Are you up for the challenge? Here is what you have to do:
1) Open a new blog post.
2) Post two photos that have some similarities. (your own photos please)
3) Use the title Compare and Contrast.
4) Write a few questions for your visitors.
4) Review other Compare and Contrast posts and describe the similarities and differences. (Listen to my sample audio response to Brad's photo challenge. You can leave a written or spoken response to compare and contrast any of the photos uploaded for this challenge.)
Useful language to compare and contrast:
To describe similarities
is similar to
in the same way
On one hand...
To contrast
On the other hand...
in contrast
differs from
is not the same
My Photos for Brad's Challenge:
1. What is similar about the pictures?
2. What is different about the pictures?
3. What assumptions can you make about these photographs?
4. What would you like to know about these photographs?
5. What do you think these people did after the photos were taken?
Hello Tara and friends,
Here is the link to check my "compare and contrast" challlenge. I will be happy to read your comments and answers about my questions.
Wishing you all a great weekend.
The first of the clothes both of you wear, I assume that you and your son get ready to go on a picnic, It is different when compared with the photo below ... they were going to attend a party or other formal activities.
Second, It is the fantastic moments of two generations, you and your son, another photo is you and your mom. hmm I wonder about "History repeats itself" ;)
I can imagine you and your son have the same style of laughing. It's a wonderful laugh!
Hello Tara, here is mine : Tara's Challenge : Compare and Contrast
Excellent, Nadiyah! There are so many comparisons to make about your photos. I'll write one:
The fashionable Selma is wearing jewelry while Robert is plain and simple. I assume that he is bald. In contrast, she has beautiful, wavy brown hair.
I think some people have made some incorrect assumptions about the people in my photos. :) I hoped this would happen. In fact, I only appear in one of these pictures.
Thanks Teacher Brad:) Aha I got an idea! I'll make a game about this challenge ;) All about the MyEC photo gallery as our sources, your challenge is great.
Ooopst ... I have them! What do you allow me to use a different topic, not as yours, Tara? In 2010 I received the first letter from Algeria and I posted it here, then in 2011 I received again a second letter and preserve it in photograph. Photos here : My first letter from Algeria and My Lovely Letter.
thanks Tara!
What sweet moments you have on these photos, Tara! Need to work hard to find and take this photo like yours, I don't remember if I have a photo like this. maybe I'll open up the old album ;) But I searched in our MyEC photo gallery and ... Aha I found them!
They look similar, even as a pair hehehe ... photo here : Selma and Robert
Great challenge, Tara. Thanks!