color man

these are some sentenses that a black man said to a white one:Dear white brother-when i was born, i was black-when i grown up , i was black-when i'm under the sun ,i'm black-when i'm afraid , i'm black-when i will die ,i will be blackWhereas you ,white man:-when you was born ,you were pink-when you grown up , you were white-when you go under the sun , you become red-when you are ill ,you are yellow-when you are afraid , you are green-when you feel cold , you are blue-when you will die , you will be greyso who is the color man??
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  • Who is white,and who is black?
    Before God everybody has the same color,just it is too late then....
    It is an instrutive idea.Thank you.
  • so who is the color man? great question !
    you know until now I still don't understand why people are still debating, black and white or color man. really ... racists have killed everything ...............
    may god bless us all ...

    thanks atika, for the nice blog
    take care,

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