
if you find mysterious pill that enables the user to access 100 percent of brain abilities Rather than the 20% of the abilities of the brain , do you take this mysterious pill without look to Risks ?

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  • I didn't watch that movie yet. I am able to use 100% of my brain abilities without any pills. My answer: No, I will don't take it.

  • I have watched the movie on this topic in a different way.  But the results were horrible, made the world upside down.

    What nature has already given, is enough for every individual. Straying away from the normality results in devastation. 

  • setareh &  Alice E. thanks for sharing and see this video ^^ 

    setareh's Page
    setareh's Page on MyEnglishClub
  • this is  pill Like "Limitless" used to Improve BRAIN Performance! 

  • Oh wow this is like the movie "Limitless"!!  Well I would go with setareh,  the important thing is not the ability to use it, but how you use it that makes the biggest difference, is it for Limitless good or limitless evil?  

  • I would try to enhance my tolerance and ability first then I would take the pill in order to find solution for insolvable problems.
  • nice question bluerose  , for me i would say no it might affect on my health , of course it has symptom 

  • Mishaikh, maybe you refer to this one:

    I think I prefer keeping my ignorance to stay happy haha...
  • I do not remeber the name of the movie, but released last year.  A good elaboration on the topic.

  • Ana niseet ya Bluerose, mumkin akoon wahid min asdigaik? Could I be one of your friends?

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