Hello there..
I'd like to share with you one of the problems which I read once in A problem solving book.. I wonder if anyone knew it, and subsequently could answer it..
Now, see the circles on the right side. It is required to cross these circles with max. 4 straight lines, but the lines must be connected. It means you can't raise your hand off the paper when you want to make the next line..
PS: this problem has more than one solution. Now, let's see about yours..
Please note that comments will be moderated in order to allow more numbers of people participate in it. That means if anyone gives the correct answer, it will not be revealed to others in the early beginning :)
Teskkur AG! I was the first person to comment here. but I did not know how to solve it. I am not good at games. I remember, you told me to continue solving it, but I couldn't. Thanks, AG!
sure, Luci.. it's very clear that it's made by an independent toil..
I like it, really.. Thanks for taking a time on it :)
Wow, Great Great Great :D
we have a genius solution here :D Bravo to your Husband, Luci.. it's correct and it is genius, although it's not very different from the posted bellow. Take another look at this and find out the similarity ;)
when I showed it to my husband, he came with solution in few minutes and I felt like idiot and lost my all motivation :-D anywayz, his soution is a bit different from those posted here.. so check it plz :)
Well Guys, I think I have to thank you all again for participating in this puzzle, and I have to thank valentina so much and congratulate her on solving the problem very correctly :)
It's time also to disclose some more solutions on the problem. And even though, I am sure that you are able to find more and more solutions if you think in the correct direction.. Please read my next blog to learn more examples about how to think out of the box and break the limitation that sometimes brains create..
1- Other Solution:
2- Line are Crossing the Centers of the Circles:
This is the end of this Puzzle, Please share your comments if you have any :)
Thanks for coming again :)
Please read my hints below, and look at valentina's solutions. She already shared two solutions.. if you read my hints also you will be able to find more solutions :)
i just tried so many times but couldn't make it. I longing to see the solution.
WoW valentina,
It's great that you get the idea and you are more able to find many solutions now :D
Let me tell you that what you are saying is true, indeed. but even though, there is a solution when they are dots.. do you want to try or shall I share it ?
your drawings are cute, by the way :D
please, don't laugh very loudly - I can't draw, but I think you understand my idea