Big and Small Pains

            It is so easy to spot a dot or a stain , but when these circles get bigger and bigger , we might be walking inside of them without noticing they are there

Big pains and real sufferings in life are like these big circles .They simply blind us from seeing what is going around and realizing what is going around.

Big pains always press small pains and make them disappear. Sometimes we dont feel a toothach a mid of a hectic day.

When we go through our life journey , we see different kind of pains and see that people who carry the most difficult burden are the stronger and the most patient.

And as we pass a big pain we start seeing small things , like 3 white hairs or more darkness around our eyes . Its life .

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  • Hi Rosemary 

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  • I'm carrying some mediocre pains through out my life and I guess if I could join them back to back, that could be a bigger one. ... Bye the way,  Rosemary, wb

    •  thanks for commenting Shaheen :)

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