I was recently helping someone from the Philippines with an English writing problem. I asked her to teach me some Tagalog words. After we spoke, I went looking for some Tagalog language resources. I found them at a wonderful site called OmniGlot: http://www.omniglot.com/
Omniglot is a guide to the writing systems and languages of the world. It also contains tips on learning languages, language-related articles, quite a large collection of useful phrases in many languages, multilingual texts, a multilingual book store and an ever-growing collection of links to language-related resources. You can find a guide to the contents of Omniglot on the sitemap, and a list of all the writing systems and languages featured on the site in the A-Z index.
I hope you will make use of it to help you in your language educationIf you are not sure what uses can be made of the site, please ask meThanks,Frank
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  • hi Frank
    thank u for ur helping others..its so nice from u to care of others..
    and u seem a kind man..
    have a nice day
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