Andalusian music

Andalusian music 'term given to classical music of the Maghreb Baksmih secular and religious-related praises the Sufi brotherhoods. Grew up in Andalusia and in some cases associated with hymns, which does not comply with the drafting weights and rhymes, this color did not extend to Egypt and the Levant, but has settled the Arab Maghreb.
Gene musical stands, literary, and weights rhythmic, and Mqamath music inherited the countries of North Africa from Andalus, and developed and improved by, and composed material systemic by the hair, and aroused Alazjal and Aldopet and Alqoma, with additions to any additions to melodic or systemic local collected, including the Department of melody and rhythm , and borrowed from the texts and Oriental tunes. Nubia is the most important template in the Andalusian music.
The names of the art varies from one region to another machine is in Morocco, and Granadan in both the eastern Morocco and Tlemcen in western Algeria and aspects of, and workmanship in the Algerian capital, and unusual in Constantine, Tunisia and Libya. But these items are all different names, and Granadan unusual and due to the assets and any one of Andalusian music, which originated in Andalusian society.
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  • thank for you atika ,i am also a lover of music Andalusia. it's quiet and sweet music.
  • thank you Mazigh for the topic ,
    You have taken me may years a go (20 years ago)i was in a groupe of andalusian music in my home town ORAN called" EL NAHDA".It realy a great art for those who understand the melodies and the lyrics .
    Best regards
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