Mr. President Abdullah Gül and his wife Hayrunnisa lady
Ephesus Ancient City of Golden Ages, the most famous city of antiquity ... Rome's glorious capital of the Province of Asia Minor ... One of the most important religious centers of the early Christian era ... Mary, Mother spent the final days of his life, St. Paul had visited many times and is located in the Artemis Temple, one of the seven wonders of the ancient era ...Ephesus, an ancient city in Turkey, dozens of the most impressive and most famous one. BC The city was founded in 1000, the Roman capital of Asia. The Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the world kuruluymuş this area. The ancient city of Ephesus, also has a special importance for the Christian religion. St. John, Bible wrote here. Virgin Mary died in Ephesus is considered. Ephesus, formerly the Küçük Menderes River flows into the gulf coast of the Aegean Sea and Mount eteğindeymiş Fair. Menderes alluvial deposits brought by a small port on reaching the mountain to the south-west, moved to the slopes of Bulbul Mountain. Owed to its reputation at the time of the first Temple of Artemis of Ephesus (ca. 560 to 550) is thought to be probably at the beach.By the Roman period temple located about 1.5 km west of Mount Fair harbor transportation, water through a narrow difficulty. Young is not used during the Byzantine period, this channel has become filled. Ephesus in ancient times, reaching a major trade route to Asia through the west valley Kaystros point start. Ephesus, the stage of history BC 7. Cimmerian attack came during the mid-century. Ephesus, respectively, the Kingdom of Lydia, the Persians, the Kingdom of Sparta, Alexander the Great, Bergama Kingdom, the Kingdom of Rome, the Goths and the Seljuks captured. BC Alexander the Great 333 almasıyla city with a prosperous period of 50 years started to happen. Ephesus is the most brilliant days of the Hellenistic period. Augustos in Ephesus, Rome, Asia, the state of the important cities. BC 1. century, the city that have become an important commercial center. 262'de Ephesus and the temple was destroyed by the Goths. The city then once again did not reach the old glory. Ephesus in the early Middle Ages, the port city now has ceased to be and have been involved in a fall. Conquered by the Seljuks in 1090 has turned into a small town. 14. century, a brilliant short-term living in the city, then abandoned.The Foundation Myth of EphesusHistorical site of Ephesus, Temple of Hadrian 3000 years frieze at the entrance to the organization that currently is being predicted: Kodros'un brave son of the king of Athens Androklos, against the sides of the Aegean like to explore. First, the Temple of Apollo in the city of Delphi soothsayer consults. The priests to him, pointed out where the fish and the pig says it will establish a city. Contemplating the meaning of these words in dark blue waters of the Aegean Androklos sails ... Kaystros (Küçük Menderes) River, the mouth of the bay when they decide to go ashore. cook fish were kept burning fire, a wild boar out of the bushes, the fish escapes grab. That was prophetic. Decide to establish a city here ...
Seven SleepersThis place had been brought into the church of the Byzantine period, the tomb of the Late Roman emperor Decius seven Christian youths who fled the tyranny of the pagans of the time took refuge in the cave slopes of Mount Fair. The young policemen who came here in a cave at night to fall asleep Dacius'un maximize big rocks. The intervening months, years pass and the dog, despite the darkness, regardless of the 7 young had continued to sleep. One morning a shepherd pasturing his goats from rock play, light leaked into the cave and awakened young people. To the city, dominated by young people to learn that the Christian faith, have slept for years been declared in the holy cave and its surroundings, have been respected. 5. century onwards that have become central in the Christian cemetery, and religion.
Grand TheatreThe ancient theater of the world's largest with a capacity of 24,000 people. The most spectacular part of the structure of the scene. Present only the ground floor as it may sound stage, height 18 m, found columns, a 3-storey, niche, decorated with sculptures and reliefs, and monumental view rich. Sitting three-part steps. Games other than the theater, saw the gladiator and animal interest Fighting 3 and 4 centuries, such as used in the arena.
The Temple of ArtemisThe Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the world, the first temple of the ancient world, built of marble. Size, 105 x 50 m. and the facade of the other Artemis (Mother Goddess) temples such as the west faces. Came when the mother goddess Cybele of Anatolia, Ephesus, when there began the cult of Artemis, the name is unknown, Ephesus Artemis, Cybele through various stages of entry into the format is being considered. Few have reached the present day remains of the temple. Studies have 127 columns of the temple is decorated with reliefs that show the front-line 36 column. This beautiful temple, BC Herostratos who want to pass the name of the date in 356's lit by a mental patient. Immediately flame cedar beams of the temple led to the collapse of a very short period of time. Sticking to the same plan, then began the construction of a new temple. Geography scholar Strabo, the ancient temple, destroyed 7 times, re-writes done. During the excavations of the temple, but çıkarabilmiş four phases.
Church of St. Jeanwalk the plank Jerusalem after the Apostles, together with the Virgin Mary to Ephesus, from St. Jean, St. Paulus after the death of "the Apostle of Asia," the title of the church of Ephesus maintained its own activities in the past and to spread Christianity. Church of St. Jean, St. Jean on behalf of the building by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian displaced older. One of the largest buildings of the period, the central part of the six-domed church, below the Prophet. Jesus' favorite apostle St. Jean's tomb found. Located north of the treasury building and the baptistery.
Virgin Mary's HouseNightingale the mother of the holy Prophet of Christianity on the Mount. Mary's House is. Christians, also known as''sacred ground''Panaghia Kapulu MS4. century, is thought to have been built. Hz. voltage caught shortly before the crucifixion of Jesus, mother, friend and disciple of Jesus, St.. Jean'a have delivered. St. Jean Hz. After the crucifixion of Jesus as voltage. I missed out on what you find objectionable, taking Mary to remain in Jerusalem and brought here. Had taken on a sacred mission to spread the religion of Christianity, such as St. Jean era state's largest city targeted to Ephesus, Hz. Mary did not want to put him to the land of heathens frequent the wooded slopes of Bulbul Mountain hut in a corner, he hide.St. Jean went to visit him every day and food and drink secretly taking grope known. Hz. Mountain Mary's full to 101 Nightingale died in this place where he lives and is being considered. St. Jean, Mother Mary 's still a place where no one knows except He took on this mountain. After the spread of Christianity in Hz. Mary Cross,''''as the location of the Christians built a church. It is crippled and can not come to Turkey on recipes found in a German nun. Medicinal water is believed to be the source of the House of the Virgin Mary, Pope Paul VI in 1967. Paul and Pope John Paul II in 1979. Was visited by John Paul. House of the Virgin Mary was declared holy by the Vatican, Christians from all over the world visit the Place of the eyes in case of a pilgrimage.
Terrace HousesMulti-storey houses built on terraces which sits on the city's wealthy. Mosaic floors of the houses, the walls are marble and frescoes. Currently, Slope Houses, Ephesus excavations show that wealthy lived.4 thousand square meters of houses built on the heating, cooling systems, room, food and children's rooms is compare the present structures. Exterior views of the insides of the houses are simply decorated with rich frescoes.
Celcus LibraryCurates Street and Marble Street at the junction of the most important monumental structures in Ephesus is one of the rising Celcus Library. This structure reflects the properties of the period of the Emperor Hadrian AD Julius Celsus Ephesus in Asia province prokonsülü Polemeanus'un 105-107 on the death, in memory of his son as a funerary monument built by Aquila. Both the library, as well as undertaking the task of building the book rolls funerary monument, building courses, and when the walls niches. Front, has been restored between the years 1970-1980.
Thank you very much. I love the archeological places so I'm happy when I can go to this kind of places and I can know the history about them...One day I will be going there... thanks Erkan =)