When you are sad, then don’t show the reaction of your sadness on others rather spent time with others by hiding sadness deep inside the heart. Just try to learn, how to hide the sadness from others, Your sadness can become the reason for someone hurts, so try to avoid showing reaction. Try to hide your sadness and tears from others and don’t show your condition on others and try to live happily in all conditions whether you are happy or sad.
If heart is crying then also try to decorate your face with a smile (fake) because this world can walk with you in your happy Or good time, but can’t walk with you in your bad time that is why always decorate your face with a smile whether smile is fake or real. Or if they listen you, then what will they do for your sadness and they can do nothing for your problems, Only you can handle your problem better, so always try to be happy, try to learn to be happy in all situation.
Maya you are right, sometimes feeling of rejection, feeling of angry (that the person will become angry on listen) do not let the person to express. their love.
Alice E human should not hide their emotion, emotions for expressiveness, but if we are talking about sorrow, problem then these should not be share with all others.. thanks for your comment..
Expector Smith..thank alote for correction but i did not get your first point....
Walker i think it is a good thing, to take care of what should be share with others or what is not.. being expressive in which sense you are talking..?? expressiveness of sadness, problems, love, blame, care... this makes many sense.. if your are talking about expressive of love, then it will be good to express without thinking , but if you are talking about expressiveness of sadness, problem, blame then i think it will be good to think that with whom you are sharing, what should be share.thanks
No, i do not know about Matira.. she said right. people reallly interested but do not care.. but our dearest do care. !!
So reassuring!
Yes, we should shrug off all the misfortune or tragedies. Just keep moving on!
Re corrections: Could you fix these two sentences?
1. '...don’t show the reaction of your sadness on others rather spent time with others...' - You can say 'show someone something'.
2. ', Your sadness can become the reason of someone hurts, ' - 'someone hurts' is a clause and shouldn't be the object of the preposition. And, you usually say 'reason for something'.
3. 'decorate your face with a smile either smile is fake or real.' - You should have used 'whether' rather than 'either'.
Hope you get it!
This is true some of the time, but there are times when we need to just allow the emotions to show no matter what it is, emotions are after all meant to be expressed and there is no shame in feeling it. We are human after all. Nice share! :)
Arthur thanks for sharing your point of view with our, i agree with you..
Peppo thank for sharing a nice quote with us and for sharing your view with us..
yeah mishaikh, every person has at-least one dearest friend, who is always present to take burden of his/her sorrows.
Mary your are right in your own way.. but i think so we should not show our sorrow on other except dearest ones.. that is good for us. yeah you are right that we should not care of others thinking but we should care about our-self that what is good for us Or bad for us.. thank for sharing your views with us..
Petrichor thanks for your nice comment
Evangelina you are right, we are always fail to hide our sorrow from our dearest one like we can not hide our sorrow from our parents, they catch us in seconds that something is going wrong with us,
and thanks for wishing, yes time always not remain same, we have both sad and happy moments.. thanks for your nice comment.
I go with your comment Peppo. This shows how strong a person is and how loving the close ones are.
Rather than hide pain behind fake smile, an unstable person like me prefer hide my self until I can bring up my mood. But someday I hope I can do just like what you wrote because that was sign of maturity. Here a quote I got from net relate to this case
"Trust the one who can see the sorrow behind your smile, the love behind your
anger and the reason behind your silence."
Thanks for sharing