Oh time, halt for a few moments.
Have a little mercy,
Grant me moments of bliss
Oh time, halt for a few moments.
Oh time have a little mercy
After that, take the rest of my lifetime
Take my youth and my eyes.
Oh time, be gentle with me,
Be gentle with my lover,
My perfect soul mate
With his joy, his peace of mind,
With my reverie,
with what occupies my mind
with his sentiment and feelings
with every thought, that occurs in his imagination
Oh time, halt for a few moments.
Have a little mercy,
blagodamost Winnie! Thanks for pressing the like button!
Hello teacher David Taylor. I hope to be one of your friends. Thanks for pressing the like button.
Ramadan mubarak mod. Onee Chana! Teriama kasih banyk. Thanks for pressing the like button.
the lyric lines. lt sounds good mr. Dara.
time and tide nobody wait.
Privyet Winnie The Pooh. Thanks for your comment.
Saya selalu setuju dengan anda, mod. Onee Chan! Certain, they will not wait. Thanks for your nice comment.
Prvyet Winnie The Pooh. Thanks for your nice comment.
I open my eyes – it’s morning,
I went to the store – it’s night,
I’ve made me some coffee – it’s autumn,
...lay down to have rest - blizzard ...
(It seems that this is how time (any single day) flies now.)
Merci beaucoup David! Thanks for your advertisement.
Yeaaa, time should have a little mercy. ^^
Love it.