All dictionaries are not the same. Some give you more help than others. I looked at several dictionaries for three things: a learner’s dictionary, a voice which pronounces the word, and a sentence or phrase containing the word. I found only one dictionary that has all three. It is the Cambridge learner’s dictionary. Dictionary They give the word in a sentence or phrase, but it’s hard to see because it is in light gray. Try it out by looking up these words: beneficial, eminent, and introduction.
I thank Nida for showing me the Cambridge Dictionary.
You're welcome, Pauline!
Thanks for your recommendation!
Oops. That should have been Merriam-Webster
I use Merriam-Weber myself. For beginners, though, I would recommend a different kind of dictionary. The same is true for It doesn't give the word in a sentence, and I think that's important.
I am always using and