a blazing row

I had an argument with my best friend yesterday. I treat her as my family members because she really means a lot to me. Actually I regret to argue with her every time after argument.I wonder why we always yell at each other just for something we disagree with each other? We deeply understand each other, and we both know our different personalities lead us tackling problems in different ways. Why we easily have a heated discussion?she is a better person than me, I think it's my problem in most of time. I am familiar with her, and I flare up for something small without considering her situation, because I know she would never walk out on me. I have to remind myself not taking everything for granted or I'll lose our friendship some day, and I never want to see the day come.
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  • Well opposites attract.
  • A thinner friendship may be kept longer.
  • we take our loved ones for granted.
    if you feel the problem is your s make an attempt in being patient and humble, i was in a situvation similar to this....
    a true freind is rare to find...
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