I want to sleep like a bird
To hide my beak in my body
When the morning comes
Like to jump and sing
Looking for something to eat
When I'm thirsty find a drop of water
Have a shower in a lake or river
Build a nest in the woods
Have a family with many chicks
In my dreams I'm flying
I'm happy and calm
I'm sometimes scared and tremble
Clean my feathers and body
Thank God I'm a bird
Sia, huh? Question: Do you ''swing from the chandelier" a lot?
Hello Mrs Sia,
I really love your poem about birds. As I live with my wife in a new home in a green village, I take up a new hobby of watching wild birds flying, perching, and feeding around my house.
Yesterday, a fruit-eating bird was eating papaya hanging low in a tree in my garden. I shooed it away because the papaya was delicious. It had eaten half of it. I cleaned and peeled it and ate the remaining half. I was lucky that the bird hadn't eaten it all up. LOL
I would like to thank you for your lovely comment. You are fortunate you live near nature and have a clean atmosphere.