Would someone explain this to me, please !!!!!!!
This year we've already experienced 1/1/11 & 11/1/11, and we will experience 1/11/11 and 11/11/11 later. But even weirder take the last two digits of the year you were born and add it to the age you will be this year and it is 111……..!!!!
Hi, Mena!
Well done! It's easy, isn't it? Hahaha!
Hi, Martin! Good for you....
Thanks for stepping in and leaving your comment, anyway!
I am glad you found this very funny, and it amused you.
Hi, Ria!
Well done! Excellent! You've worked it out well, hahaha, 111 !!!
take the last two digits my born year :91, and my age this year :20. So if I sum 91 and 20 it will be 111
Hi, Ann!
You've already worked out for the next year's....hahaha! It's a good try.... 12/12/12!!!
Thanks for your comment....
Hi, Roza!
Thank you, that you found this blog interested, and I am glad it worked for you.
Hi, Rabab!
I don't know how it worked for me, but I am glad it was fun for you, anyway.
However, although you said you were not good at math, I think you are cool if you worked it out.
It worked for me :) though am terrible at math hehehe
Thanks for sharing that was fun :)