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  • Lynne ,
    Lol, what do you think ?
    Am I falling in love?
    Thank you for your nice courtesy by seeing it entertaining .
  • I wonder if you've fallen in love Fa. I really don't know if you're serious or not. But, I find it entertaining. A bit funny though. ^_^
    Thanks for sharing it Fa.
    Good day!
  • nebia,
    That what love should be, easy, painless, balsam.
    And love is truly a free bird.

    Thank you for sharing your thought, nebia
  • nadira,
    Love called " Emotions "
    So, No stability.
    Thank you for your lovely comment, dear.
  • Why when reading your poem, I feel that love is very easy .. peaceful ..?!
    No pains.. no wounds.
    It goes.. comes
    No limits.. no rules
    You remind me of a bird, flying all the day but never sleeps away.
    Having always the same way to nest where to find comfort and security.
    But as a woman and between us , fa.
    I love being jailed in love and jealousy is a symbol of love.
    I know I am a paradox lol!!!
    What to do ?
    I am a woman....
  • sad poem of loves woes, as true love will always come back , the poem ends with hope .
    Yet another emotional poem with entwined emotions.
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