The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit language which means union or merger. The ultimate aims of yoga are harmony between mind and body and attain self-enlightenment.Yoga is the symphony of life. Yoga is an ancient science which leads to healthy body, peaceful mind, joyous heart and liberated soul. It has nothing to do with religion. Believers of any religion can follow it. In today’s world when people have no time for themselves and whole world is suffering from dreadful diseases yoga is the only way to get rid of these problems. To achieve this, yoga uses movement, breath, posture, relaxation and meditation in order to establish a healthy, lively and balanced approach to life. Patanjali has recommended eight stages of Yoga discipline. They are:1. Yamas- Yamas (abstentions or restrains)2. Niyamas- Niyamas (observances)-austerities, purity, contentment, study, surrender of the ego3. Asanas- Physical postures or exercises4. Pranayama- Control of vital energy (Breathing control)5. Partyahara- Withdrawal of the senses6. Dharana- Concentration of the mind (Contemplation)7. Dhyana- Meditation8. Samadhi- Attainment of The super conscious state
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  • This is a great blog.i like YOGA.I agree with you,this Yoga can be done by any religious a Buddhist it is an essential thin to do meditation.thanks for information s.
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