The Sounds of English
Hi, there!
If you are clueless what’s going on, here’s a brief account of the activity! I’ll be conducting a series of study sessions on pronunciation. This is Study Session No 1. Please refer to the group ‘EC Virtual Classroom’ for further details. Leave your name and a message there if you want to participate in my ‘virtual class’ Thank you!
Now, good pronunciation is very important for good spoken communication. But what do we mean by “good pronunciation”? Well, you don’t have to speak English like a native speaker; it’s fine to have a different accent. But, what is important is that you are able to speak clearly and that you don’t prevent other people from understanding what you are trying to say. There are many different English accents in Britain and all around the world. These are all good models. Now, my accent is Standard Southern British English. And that is what I’ll be showing you on this site. Have fun!
The Sounds of English
Hello! Now, one question I am often asked is “What’s the best way to improve my pronunciation?” Well! My first piece of advice is to try to learn each different sound of English. And, in order to learn each different sound of English, it’s very helpful to learn each different symbol that represents these sounds of English. “Why do we need different symbols?” I hear you ask. Well! In writing English we use the 26 letters of the Alphabet. But there are more than 26 sounds in English. In fact, there are over *40 sounds in English. And it is not very easy to show these using only the letters of the English Alphabet. So there’s a system which uses a group of symbols. Now, some of the symbols are same as the letters and some of them are different.
So, this is why it’s very useful to learn the symbols. You can’t always match the letters of a word to the sounds of that word. So, if you want to improve your English pronunciation, you should learn the different sounds. And if you want to learn the different sounds, you should learn the symbols. And here’s some good news! If you know the symbols and the sounds, you will be able to use many dictionaries to find the pronunciation of any word in English and you won’t even need a teacher. So, to help you learn the sounds and symbols, why not watch my videos here. Good luck and happy speaking.
*The total number of speech sounds is 44
Step 2: Listen to the speech sounds
The table below shows the symbols that repesent the 44 speech sounds heard in British English speech. Follow the link to the webpage of BBC and listen to the speech sounds. Get to know them as much as you could. The subsequent lessons are primarily entailed these symbols and sounds.
(I guarantee that you'll find it very interesting as it comes with a sample word for each sound.)
It’s very useful to know how to write the ‘phonetic symbols’ (speech symbols). You’ll understand why it’s important as you go along with the study.
Now, go to EC Phonemic Character Keyboard. Type all the 44 symbols and copy them. Come here and paste the symbols in the comment box. (Refer to the sample that I’ve posted below.)
Note: I was told by a few participants that it's tedious to use the above phonemic character
where you can insert the symbols just by pressing the keys on your computer keyboard.
How to use the online phonetic keyboard
This will surely make the session more lively and fruitful.
~ Carl Rogers ~
July 14th, 2012

HI,I 'm very keen on learning another lesson,thanks a lot
/æ/ /ʌ/ /ɑ:/ /ɒ/ /ɪə/ /eɪ/ /ʊə/ /ɔɪ/ /əʊ//eə/ /aɪ/ /aʊ/
/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /ʧ/ /ʤ/ /ʤ/ /k/ /g/
/f/ /v/ /θ/ /ð/ /s/ /z/ /ʃ/ /ʒ/
/m/ /n/ /ŋ/ /h/ /l/ /r/ /w/ /j/
this is very useful i really need this
thanks a lot
Hello Prostomolotova Galina
I really enjoiable by joining to this cass,and Ihope I did well in my task.thank you for your usefule comments .
/æ/ /ʌ/ /ɑ:/ /ɒ/ /ɪə/ /eɪ/ /ʊə/ /ɔɪ/ /əʊ/
/eə/ /aɪ/ /aʊ/
/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /ʧ/ /ʤ/ /ʤ/ /k/ /g/
/f/ /v/ /θ/ /ð/ /s/ /z/ /ʃ/ /ʒ/
/m/ /n/ /ŋ/ /h/ /l/ /r/ /w/ /j/
Dear Prostomolotova,
Thank You Very Much!
Actually, I got it copied and pasted on my lesson notes seperately. Another copy is displayed here. This is very useful in learning English, actually, at times, we pronounce English words with our own identity. Some sounds may not be available with our native languages, and then we face difficulties in the pronunciation. Anyway, I try my best!
Good Luck to You!
Bye for Now!
Hello, White rose!
We're very glad to see you here with us. It's great that you've decided to improve your pronunciation.
OK, as for your task, you've typed the vowels in a proper way. After typing try to copy the line and paste it into the comment box. Then try to type all other sounds and also paste them in a comment box. I that clear? If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask Gabriel Sowrian or me.
Good luck!
Hello, Vishal!
We're always very glad to see new learners here who is eager to improve their pronunciation! Thanks for joining us!
As for your first task, it's done very well! Good job! You've typed all the phonemes correctly. Vishal, we hope you'll be an active participant of the following sessions. Now you may try to pronounce all the sounds just to remember them better. And we're waiting for you in other Study Sessions.
Hello, Bimal!
It's great that you're interested in learning English language. We all here want to improve our spoken skills. So, join us! We'll help you to do it! Try to do all the tasks given here. If you have any questions, ask me or Gabriel Sowrian. We're waiting for you....
Dear all,
The learning is a continuous process because we learn something new every moment in our life. When I watch this program on my note pad, I got surprised really! There are lots to be learned in respect to English language. I am interested in learning English language; yes, I need to improve my speaking skills especially, and this is the right place for it. Good luck to you!